The Effects of Age, Sex and Education on HVLT-R Performance Across the Lifespan: Data from the NEUROAGE Cohort

Published: Sep 3, 2024
memory, age, sex, education, assessment
Flora Nikolaou
Michalis Michaelides
Juliana Prokopiou
George Metaxas
Fofi Constantinidou

The study investigates the impact of age, education, and sex on memory within a
diverse cohort of participants spanning the adult lifespan, utilizing the G-HVLT-R.
A total of 1,055 Greek Cypriot individuals, both males and females aged 18 to 80,
were recruited from the NEUROAGE longitudinal project. Participants underwent a
comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests, including the G-HVLT-R for
assessing total learning and delayed recall, alongside the Logical Memory test
measuring delayed recall performance in story recall. Significant performance
disparities emerged between Forms 1 and 2 and Forms 1 and 3 of the G-HVLT-R.
Regression analyses revealed age as the predominant predictor, with the highest
coefficients, followed by education and sex. Notably, the G-HVLT-R demonstrated
robust concurrent validity, evidenced by high correlation coefficients with Logical
Memory delayed recall tasks. The findings underscore age as the primary
determinant of performance, while also emphasizing the influence of education and
sex across the lifespan. Consequently, establishing norms that account for
demographic characteristics is imperative for refining the precision of
neuropsychological assessment, particularly among those with lower education
levels and in older age groups. This information enhances accurate clinical
assessment across diverse populations and aids in identifying individuals
necessitating specific treatment interventions.

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