The interconnection and cooperation of organizations dealing with the institutions of foster care and adoption in the Region of Crete

Published: Dec 18, 2023
child protection cooperation agencies fostering adoption
Kleio Koutra
Aikaterini Poupaki
Rafaela Samara
Dionisia Kypraiou

The economic crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic brought to the surface a perennial problem, that of child neglect and abuse. In recent years, although efforts have been made to modernize child protection in many countries of the Western world with significant legal improvements for more efficient protection of children, Greece still has many steps to achieve a satisfactory level of protection. The present study was carried out after the change of the legislative framework in Greece in the field of child protection and its purpose is to investigate the interconnection of the agencies dealing with issues of foster care - adoption in the Region of Crete. The main results of the study highlight the modernizing changes brought about by the law in the field of child protection on the issues of candidate education, the creation of an electronic platform and consequently the reduction of process time, the establishment for the first time of professional foster care as well as the mandatory mapping of children in accommodation structures. On the other hand, there were also several weaknesses, related to lack of key specialties and personnel in the structures, under-funding, lack of a single operating framework as well as lack of extensive training on process issues for professionals working in the field. In conclusion, the need for the intervention of social services is more than imperative, with the aim of limiting the effects of crisis situations and seeking to ensure the protection of children who are at risk.

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