The self-injurious behavior of young adults from the perspective of friends: A qualitative study

Published: Dec 22, 2023
non-suicidal-self injury youth adults peer association close friends social work
Kleio Koutra
Loukas Sparos
Effrosyni Kokaliari

This qualitative study explored how the close friends perceive, present, and influence their close young adult friends’ self-injurious behaviors. Non-suicidal-self-injury (NSSI) is defined as an intentional self-harmful act that has no suicidal intent. The most common parts of the body where self-injury occurs are hands, feet and upper trunk. Data was collected using the semi-structured interview and using snowball-sampling method. Twelve individuals participated, 8 females and 4 males, ages 19 to 25 years old. An inclusion criterion for the study was a close relationship with a friend who engaged in non-suicidal self-injurious behavior. Findings highlight how loose family bonds with the family and emotional insecurity from the family and in combination with low sociability and introversion can encourage self-injurious behaviors of young people. An intense change in the lives of individuals is another aggravating factor for that contributes to self-injurious behavior. However, a close friendship network seems to encourage and contribute to seeking help to manage self-injurious behavior. Friends of people who self-harm consider their contribution as positive and supportive in trying to free the person from self-harm. Social Work must utilize holistic models in its intervention in order to assess and evaluate all the systems to which a person belongs and interact, aiming to understand and interpret the complexity of the situations that lead a person to engage in self-injurious behaviors.

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