The lived experiences of LGBTQIA+ parents in Greece

Published: Dec 30, 2024
LGBTQIA parenting inclusivity children equity
Panagiotis Pentaris

On February 15t, 2024, the Act 5089/2024 came to legalise marriage for all persons, regardless of gender identity or sexuality, and to recognise familial bonds and relationships between LGBTQIA+ parents and their children. This new Law identifies the rights of children with LGBTQIA+ parents, and people self-identifying as LGBTQIA+, to seize state and institutional oppression and discrimination on the grounds of gender identity and sexuality. This paper reports on 73 semi-structured interviews with LGBTQIA+ parents in Greece, during the period of June and October 2023, with the study being completed in January 2024. The study focused on the lived experiences of LGBTQIA+ parents in Greece, and the data shows three categories: support, inclusion, and challenges. Specifically, data shows that LGBTQIA+ parents receive support from NGOs and their circle of friends, but not as much from the State or the family of origin. The study also shows that parents are always concerned about school environments and the degree of inclusivity and visibility their children and families experience. Lastly, the study highlights the challenges LGBTQIA+ parents experience, primarily due to the legal disenfranchisement of their families. Many of the challenges are addressed with the recent changes in legislation, while others pertain. This is the very first qualitative study with LGBTQIA+ parents in Greece, of this size, and it aims to add value to the knowledge-base of social work, especially given the legal recognition of the right of same-sex couples and LGBTQIA+ people to adopt children

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