“Not just a private issue”: training and empowerment workshops on gender rights and gender-based violence in Argos Orestiko

cover 2/2024
Published: Sep 17, 2024
human rights education gender-based violence social work and feminist collectives
Lefkothea Rizopoulou

The workshop series "It's not just a private issue” combines human rights education and feminist, critical and radical approaches to social work. Its goal is to raise awareness about gender rights and challenge the perception that gender-based violence is a private issue. Central to these workshops are the concepts of collective and solidarity action, aiming at transformative education and womxn’s empowerment. The project targets womxn living in the broader area of Argos Orestiko. These workshops are conducted by the local feminist Femmess with the participation of the Women's Counselling Centre of Kastoria, emphasizing the importance of partnerships between institutions and feminist initiatives and movements. The evaluations of the workshops show an increase in critical consciousness, collective action and the creation of support networks among the participants.

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  • Conferences, Seminars, Trainings
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