The representation of the baptism in the old Metropolis at Veroia

The article discusses anew the scene of the Baptism in the church of the Old Metropolis at Veroia. The scene due to its numerous complementary episodes had attracted the interest of the scholarly research which had located the prototypes of the latter in the Roman antiquity. However, a new reading is attempted here based on the symbolic meaning of these scenes, which is sought in the theological commentary of Baptism. Special emphasis is shown to the miracle of the child who was pulled alive from the water and which probably relates to similar miracles drawn from the Byzantine literature and presumably refers to that of the Chalkoprateia.
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ΚΑΤΣΑΡΟΣ Β. (2011). The representation of the baptism in the old Metropolis at Veroia. Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society, 27, 169–180.
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