Some remarks on the sculpted decoration and the templon of the Katholikon of Hagia Moni in Areia, Nauplion

Published: Sep 22, 2018
Middle-Byzantine period 12th century sculpture templon altarscreen iconostasis Merbaka Chonika Argolis Agia Moni in Areia Nauplion
Christina PINATSI
Several fragments of architectural sculptures are preserved in the monastery of Hagia Moni in Areia, Nauplion. Some of them have particularly elaborate relief or champlevé decoration, pertaining to the 12th century. Among them are noted the fragments of three small piers and a cornice, attributed to the marble altarscreen of the church. Based on these, a reconstruction of the templon is attempted. Unfortunately the evidence is not complete, but the surviving fragments give a vivid image of the sculptural work that used to decorate this significant monument.
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