Lead seals representing a scene from the life of St Demetrius

Published: Jul 6, 2011
Middle/Late Byzantine period lead seals kommerkiarioi iconography Saint Nestor Saint Demetrius church of Saint Demetrius Thessaloniki

Through the systematic study of the iconography of the lead seals our knowledge on the monumental or the icon painting of the Middle Byzantine period has been enriched considerably. An interesting example of such a case has been encountered in three lead seals of kommerkiarioi from Thessaloniki where the scene of the blessing of Saint Nestor by Saint Demetrius a little before his fight with Lyaius has been represented. The iconographic research proves that this scene is quite rare in the genre of painting and suggests that it might have been inspired by a lost iconographic prototype or presumably an icon which would have been housed in the church of Saint Demetrius in Thessaloniki.


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