The templon in the church of the Transfiguration of the Saviour at Amphissa

Published: Jul 6, 2011
12th century Phokis Amphissa sculpture hurch of the Saviour templon-screen representations of animals champlevé technique
Χριστίνα ΠΙΝΑΤΣΗ

The fragmentsof the marble templon-screen of the church of the Saviour at Amphissa are analysed with regard to the thematic repertoire and style, and a reconstruction of the whole is proposed. This is a typical sculptural work of the twelfth century, with characteristic representations of animals, champlevé technique, composite colonnettes with Herakles knot.At the 29th Symposium of the ΧΑΕ additional members (closure slabs, column capital, etc.) were presented and the reconstruction was completed, on the occasion of the restoration of the templon-screen (see drawings in the summaries of papers).

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