Les voies d’ Italie méridionale des influences byzantines sur l’architecture serbe

Published: Jul 6, 2011
Middle Byzantine period architecture 9th – 12th centuries church of St. Michael at Ston cathedrals of Kotor and Dubrovnik medieval Serbia
Vojislav KORAĆ
The Serbian architecture basically has been inspired either directly or indirectly by the Byzantine architecture. The latter can be traced between the 9th – 12thcenturies in the westernmost and close to the Adriatic regions of the kingdom. The influences detected, albeit byzantine in concept, draw from South Italy. This is visible in cases, like the church of St. Michael at Ston, a foundation of the king of Zeta Michael in 1077, or the two cathedrals of the middle of the 12th century at Kotor and Dubrovnik. Both the domed single-nave church of St. Michael and the three-aisled domed cathedrals are influenced by the Apulian architecture where the Byzantine architectural forms had long been assimilated
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