An icon of the Virgin "Eleousa" in the byzantine and post-byzantine collection of Chania

Published: Jul 6, 2011
Post-Byzantine period Crete portable icons Virgin ‘Eleousa’


This article examines an icon (97 x 72 x 2 cm.) of the Virgin and Child, represented in a variation of the Virgin Glykophilousa (of the Tender Kiss) and carrying the epithet ‘Eleousa’ (the Merciful). The work, having been confiscated by the Court of Appeal of Crete, entered the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Collection of Chania, which is exhibited in the Venetian church of San Salvatore in the city. On the basis of its iconography and style, the icon is dated to the early fifteenth century and is attributed to a Constantinopolitan painter of the diaspora


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