Portable icons of the original iconostasis of the Hypapante church in Thessaloniki. Reconstructing a sixteenth-century set

Published: Jul 6, 2011
16th century Macedonia Thessaloniki portable icons School of Northwest Greece or Epirot School painter Frangos Katelanos
Νικόλαος Δ. ΣΙΩΜΚΟΣ

The article argues that the icon of the Virgin Hodegetria in the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the bema door of the Hypapante church in Thessaloniki, which was considered to be a work of Cretan art, belong together with the icon of St Demetrios in the Byzantine and Christian Museum in Athens and that of Christ Pantocrator in the Hypapante church which adorned the original iconostasis of the church. The icons, products of the School of Northwestern Greece, can be dated ca 1540. It is proposed that they are works either by a painter who learnt his art from Frangos Katelanos or are works of the Theban painter’s circle.

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