The Gallipoli (Kallipolis) Castle in the Byzantine Period

Published: Nov 23, 2011
Βyzantine period Dardanelles Gallipoli castle

The Dardanelles Strait lies in the northeast-southwest direction between the Gallipoli and the Biga peninsulas. It is a seaway that connects the Black and the Marmara Seas with the Aegean-Mediterranean Seas. Gallipoli developed on a headland surrounded by steep cliffs between Hamzakoy and Gallipoli bay, situated at the northern mouth of the strait opening to the Marmara Sea. Today, the traces of Gallipoli Castle may be observed on the hill reaching up to a height of 20-25 m from the inner port of the city which is sheltered from the harsh north winds that batter the city. This study shows that the Gallipoli Castle is of a rectangular plan. This plan derives from building patterns existing from the Early to the late Byzantine and Ottoman Periods.

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Author Biography
Ayşe C. TURKER, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of History of Art
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