Représentations de Papes Romains dans l'église Sainte-Sophie d'Ohrid. Contribution à l' idéologie de l'archevêché d'Ohrid

Published: Nov 23, 2011
Middle Byzantine period 1054 Great Schism paintings autocephalous ideology archbishop Leo Ohrid Bulgaria
Branislav TODIĆ

In the apse of the bema of the church of Saint Sophia at Ohrid there is a great number of holy prelates depicted, among which the honorary place has been reserved for the patriarchs of Constantinople. Conversely, six popes of Rome found their place in the apse of the diakonikon, notwithstanding that the paintings were commissioned during the Great Schism of 1054. However, in the latter two more saints have also been depicted, the saints Cyril and Clement of Ohrid who were highly venerated in the area. Thus, the archbishop of Ohrid Leo seems that wanted to highlight the rights of the autocephalous of his archbishopric, to showcase that it is the legitimate heir of the Bulgarian archbishopric and finally to classify it next to the old and praised Church sees.

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