Byzantine architectural members from the Tripoli archaeological museum

Published: Nov 23, 2011
Middle/Late Byzantine period 12th century arched slab sculpted members proskynetarion templon arcosolium technique decoration museum of Tripolis
Leonela FUNDIĆ

The Archaeological Museum of Tripolis houses several unpublished Byzantine sculptures amongst which are six marble sculpted pieces that belong to three different arched slabs. To the first arched slab belong four pieces whichcould have formed a ciborium of a funerary monument, only a small fragment to the second slab which might have belonged to a templon's proskynetarion, and finally, a large piece to the third slab which may have originated from the frame of a window or an arched arcosolium. The affinities between all the pieces suggest contemporaneity, i.e. the end of the 12th century, while the stronger affinities of the two first slabs to the Samarina workshop betray the same artistic current.



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