Perceptions of teachers, bilingual students and parents with immigrant background toward bilingualism: Methodological issues and re-examination of research data

Published: Dec 13, 2018
Ethnographic research researcher subjectivity bilingualism language views
Αναστασία Γκαϊνταρτζή

In this paper we attempt, through the presentation of the ethnographic research: "Issues of bilingualism in preschool and early primary school children: Social and educational dimensions" (Gkaintartzi, 2012), to discuss methodological issues and review its research data in the light of subsequent studies. We focus on the issue of the relationship of the researcher with the participants, her involvement in the research field and her subjectivity, as approached in the ethnographic research of the doctoral dissertation. We conclude with a review and critical discussion of its research data, which relate to the language views of teachers, bilingual students and immigrant parents, in view of later research data.

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Αναστασία Γκαϊνταρτζή, University of Thessaly

ΕΕΠ Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας

Δρ Κοινωνιογλωσσολογίας, ΤΕΠΑΕ, ΑΠΘ

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