Movement development through an interdisciplinary program of Physical Education and children’s literature in kindergarten

Published: Dec 13, 2018
Physical Education preschool education children’s literature interdisciplinary basic motor skills
Εύα Παυλίδου
Σοφία Χατζηγεωργιάδου
Ουρανία Γκαλκανοπούλου

An important aim of Physical Education (P.E.) in the preschool curriculum is the promotion of physical fitness as well as the motor skill development that constitute indicators of normal movement development and school readiness (Gallahue, 2002· Pedagogical Institute, 2011). Creative movement helps children to construct new motor skills and exercise acquired movement schemas. Structured physical activities based in improvisation constitute important elements of preschool P.E. as long as they provide opportunities of emerging gross motor expression and trigger emotional reactions (Bergstein Dow, 2010· Pavlidou, 2012). According to the Preschool Educator’s Guide, cross-curricular thematic instruction allows children to integrate content and skills from multiple content areas into one cohesive learning experience (Dafermou, Koulouri, & Basagianni, 2006). Movement activities can contribute to the acquisition of knowledge and skills from different disciplinary areas such as mathematics and music (Shilling, 2002), computer science (Papastergiou, 2009) and language (Connor-Kuntz & Dummer, 1996· Goti, Derri, & Kioumourtzoglou, 2006· Goti-Douma, 2006· Tsapakidou, Zachopoulou, & Samara, 2001).

Basic aim of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of a preschool cross-curricular P.E. program in the development of motor skills through children’s literature books. Our hypothesis was that a cross-curricular designed P.E. program using storytelling of children’s literature books as the main guide of kinetic direction and movement exploration can contribute to the development of basic motor skills in preschoolers. The current study aimed to assess the effectiveness of a preschool cross-curricular P.E. program with emphasis on a storytelling based on children’s literature books.

Storytelling was used to guide creative movement and to provide opportunities of motor experimentation, and expression. The selected children’s literature books depicted the story grammar structure (Mandler, 1984). Pressley and Woloshyn (1995) story grammar rules were also adapted and used for the construction of the activities.

To investigate the hypothesis, a research intervention was designed. A total of 50 children participated in the research, classified randomly in three groups (one experimental and two control groups) based on their structural and program differences. The experimental group consisted of 18 children (boys, n = 10 and girls, n = 8; Μ: 70.7, SD: 2.96), the first control group consisted of 16 children (boys, n = 11 and girls, n = 5; Μ: 69.8, SD: 2.89), and the second control group consisted of 16 children (boys, n = 8 and girls, n = 8; Μ: 67.8, SD: 2.69). The intervention lasted for two months and involved two organized activities per week, of 45 minutes duration each. The first control group attended a typical P.E. program for two months, involving two organized activities per week, of 45 minutes duration each. Finally, the second control group did not attend any structured P.E. program, except free kinetic play by choice.

Four tests from the Karlsruher Motorik Screening 4 – 6 (Bös, Bappert, Tittlbach, & Woll, 2004) were used for the evaluation of the program and were administered in all groups twice, before and after the intervention. Non parametric Wilcoxon signed rank tests revealed significant improvement in three motor skills (balance, long jump, front bending of the trunk) for the experimental group and the first control group (side jumps, long jump, front bending of the trunk) after the implementation of the programs (interventional vs typical), and improvement in one motor skill (side jumps) for the second control group. Non parametric Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests revealed significant differences in two motor skills (long jump, front bending of the trunk) with the experimental group obtaining the highest scores.

Our findings showed that our hypothesis was verified to a satisfactory degree and confirmed the pedagogical value of the preschool cross-curricular P.E. program.
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Author Biography
Εύα Παυλίδου, Associate Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Τμήμα Επιστημών Προσχολικής Αγωγής και Εκπαίδευσης ΑΠΘ, Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια
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