"My brother tells, I make scribbles when I draw." The 'scribbles' otherwise: developing a project with toddlers

Published: Dec 17, 2019
drawing activity ‘scribbles’ project early childhood education
Παναγιώτα Τσακιρπάλογλου
Μαρία Παπανδρέου
“Viewing ‘scribbles’ otherwise” is a project developed at the Children Center of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in a classroom for young children (2.5-3 years) during the school year 2017-2018. In the present study, we firstly present the children’ activities that motivated the initiation of this extended investigation, while we describe in detail the three project phases that children carried out. This learning experience was developed as part of a professional development program focused on the role of drawing activity as a learning tool. However, it emerged from the children's special focus on their 'scribbles', while the strong cooperation between the classroom’s teacher and the facilitator (i.e. the educator who organised the PD program) was critical for its implementation. The examples presented in this article illustrate how the children themselves guided the evolution of the inquiry and gradually transformed their attitude towards their 'scribbles'.
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  • Presentations of Innovative Programs
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Author Biographies
Παναγιώτα Τσακιρπάλογλου, kindergarten teacher, Α.U.TH. Children’s Center
kindergarten teacher, Α.U.TH. Children’s Center
Μαρία Παπανδρέου, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Assistant Professor, School of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
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