School management and leadership: How biography influences the formation of a leader's identity

Published: Jun 15, 2021
school leadership biography identity role self-perception vision
Μαρία Λιακοπούλου
Πολυξένη Αλεξίου
Στυλιανή Ζιώγα
Βάϊα Μπανάσου
Ειρήνη-Αγλαϊα Ράπτη
Χαρίκλεια Τριανταφύλλου
Κωνσταντίνος Φωτίου
Άντζελα Χίλαϊ
This paper aims to explore to what extent school leaders' biographies play a key role in shaping their leadership. The research focused on two main dimensions of leadership, self-perception of the leader’s role as well as the leader’s vision. Specifically, a qualitative research was conducted, and the biographical method was used. The biographies of seven school principals in Primary and Secondary Education were studied. The biographical interviews were conducted in three stages: main narrative by each school principal, explanatory questions on the narrative data, and evaluation questions to assess the interview and cover all the necessary issues for the research topics. The results of the research show that the biographies of the participants have a strong impact on the way they perceive and perform their leadership duties. The special characteristics of their personality, their experiences during their personal and professional career, the values they represent and the personal or educational aims they promote, as well as the special conditions they are asked to face in the performance of their administrative duties, determine if they are leaders, their vision and the way they provide leadership to the school organization.
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