PhD Thesis: The impact of Differentiated Instruction in kindergarten children's achievement

Published: Dec 22, 2020
Differentiated Instruction Integrated Curriculum Achievement Kindergarten
Αναστασία Μαβίδου

Differentiated Instruction (DI) provides an alternative framework that builds upon children’s diversity, towards maximizing their learning. This study investigates the relationship between DI and kindergarten children’s achievement, while DI is applied in the context of knowledge integration. The study followed a semi-structured research plan, with the participants of the experimental group being 80, while 74 children participated in the control group. The data collection included pre- and post-tests of individual interviews and was analyzed through statistical and content analysis. To assure the interventions fidelity, a program of Professional Development was applied, supporting teachers of the experimental group in the application of DI. The results confirm DI’s positive impact in children’s achievement, quantified greater than the “teaching to the middle” approach. Moreover, DI proves to counterbalance the initial achievement differences among different groups. Therefore, DI’s features (e.g. freedom of choice, group assignments, agency) facilitate the active engagement of children in their learning, thus leading to better academic results.

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