The use of the techniques of Drama in Education in the approach of moral dilemmas

Published: Dec 12, 2022
drama in education moral dilemmas intercultural education
Theodora Papaioannou
Konstantinos Magos

The present research focuses on the investigation of the effects of techniques of the Drama in Education regarding the approach to ethical dilemmas related to the management of otherness. Specifically, it describes the planning, implementation and evaluation of a Pedagogical Program based on Drama in Education in order to develop the intercultural competence of students of the 4th grade of the Primary school. In this qualitative research, semi-structured focus group interviews, mid-term questionnaire and written texts produced by the students, were used as means of data collection. Based on the findings of the research, it was found that the techniques of Drama in Education positively mediated the change of the initial negative attitudes of the students regarding the moral dilemmas that were posed to them in relation to the acceptance of ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious otherness. In the findings of the research, it was established that the use of moral dilemmas contributed positively to the transformation of negative stereotypes, to the reduction of prejudices and in general to the development of the acceptance of the different "other".

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