“No one is an environmentalist by birth”. Fostering students’ ecological citizenship via school-based environmental education programs. A systematic review of research activity between 2000 and 2023

Published: Dec 20, 2023
ecological/environmental citizenship environmental education interventional educational programs students systematic literature review
Γεώργιος Μουτσινάς

Taking into account the obvious environmental degradation of the planet and its consequences at every level of human life, the cultivation of students’ ecological citizenship through effective educational programs is expected to render the former active agents of social change for the benefit of the environment. This paper aims to synthesize the environmental education intervention programs carried out across the age range of the student population attending formal school settings, in order to develop its ecological citizenship. A systematic literature review of empirical studies published in international, refereed scientific journals over the period 2000-2023 was conducted. The results of the bibliographic research on the final sample (n) of 35 methodologically heterogeneous papers showed that the majority of the overviewed academic activity had taken place in North America during the interval 2011-2015, noting positive findings. Participants aged mainly 5-12 years were examined, in interventions usually lasting up to 12 weeks and with the majority of support from school staff. The environmental citizenship of the learners was enhanced by means of participatory practices, where reflection on complex ecological issues, critical thinking, independent and informed decision making, and networking of the trainees with their communities were promoted. The findings of the project echo the need for researchers and educators to focus on innovative pedagogical approaches that advance the ecological citizenship of their recipients, initiating a just and democratic social change that emphasizes sustainable environmental management.

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