Smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school: Parents, kindergarten and primary school teachers' perceptions

Published: Dec 20, 2024
smooth transition, kindergarten, primary school, perceptions, parents, kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers
Dimitris Dimosthenidis
Euthimia Penteri

Children’s transition from kindergarten to primary school is a complex process, which involves several factors in the child's environment and takes place over a period of time, from kindergarten up to the first grades of primary school, as long as the upcoming changes are perceived. Smooth transition depends on the readiness of the involved parties to support transition processes and to collaborate with each other. Recent studies on the issue of transition mainly focus on quantitative methodology and fail to capture the perceptions and subjective experience and understandings of all the parties involved. The purpose of the study is to investigate parents, kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers’ perceptions regarding smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school. The study followed a qualitative methodology and 10 parents, 5 kindergarten teachers and 5 primary teachers were recruited to participate in semi-structured interviews. The interview protocol that was developed, included questions that were identical for the three groups of participants, with different wording to address the different roles in children’s educational lives. The three basic axes regarded participants perceptions on the concept of transition and the factors that may affect its process, the practices they use to promote smooth transition and their understanding of the roles of family, kindergarten and primary school to support transitioning. Interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed.  Thematic content analysis was applied organizing categories and themes from the meaning of the participants reports. The results highlighted the importance of cooperation between parents and teachers to promote the smooth adjustment of children. It appears that parents are not actively involved in school transition related activities. Teachers and kindergarten teachers recognize that more collaborative strategies could be implemented. Further research combining quantitative and qualitative measurement methods is deemed necessary to investigate the issue of transition. The development of common projects during the school year between kindergarten and first grade students, with the close collaboration and participation of the parents, could promote smooth transition and set the stage for the development of a common vision and effective interaction. The role of children and their emotions and ideas on transition is also an important topic for further research.

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