Roles, responsibilities and professional identity of assistant principals in secondary Greek schools

Angeliki Lazaridou
Ekaterini Gorila

In this paper, we present the results of qualitative research on the role, duties, responsibilities and professional identity of assistant principals in the Greek secondary educational system. Prior research on assistant principalship have noted that the assistant principal can provide valuable preparation for principals, as they serve important leadership roles in schools by supporting both the principals themselves and the teachers. However, since these prior research papers there have been many important changes in schools and school leadership, including increased attention on how the assistant principal can advance equity for students and educators. Yet, policymakers, practitioners, and researchers have not reached a consensus about what the role of the assistant principal should entail, what policies should guide the development of the role, how to evaluate and support assistant principals, and how to prepare them for success as principals. Through this qualitative research, we sought to enable assistant principals’ voices to be heard and the richness of their experiences to be revealed. Using semi-structured interviews with a sample of 8 secondary school vice-principals, we sought to reveal their professional identity. First, we outlined their personality traits, the factors that seem to affect the exercise of their role, the conflicting issues they encounter in their daily work and their personal aspirations. Then, we extrapolated their professional identity. As a result of the in-depth analysis of their narratives, four aspects of their professional identity were highlighted: a) the manager expert, b) the pedagogical expert, c) the human relations expert, and d) the budding leader. Understanding the special conditions for the formation of each professional identity, we conclude that assistant principals are key players in Greek secondary schools, having special skills and characteristics. The importance of their role, therefore, needs to be acknowledged and be further supported by the state through mandated professional development programs and clear guidelines about their place within the school community.

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Author Biographies
Angeliki Lazaridou, University of Thessaly

Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια


Ekaterini Gorila, Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας

Υποδιευθύντρια Λυκείου

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