No. 5 (2010): Research in Mathematics Education

Published: 2017-12-02

December 2010


Δήμητρα Πίττα-Πανταζή (Dimitra Pitta-Pantazi)

Difficulties of secondary students in solving inequations of 1st degree

Σπύρος Παπακωστόπουλος (Spyros Papakostopoulos), Κώστας Ζαχάρος (Kostas Zacharos)

Systematic depiction of Teaching Approaches of Classes of Primary Mathematics by students of Pedagogical Department

Γιώργος Πιπίνος (Giorgos Pipinos), Μαρία Χιονίδου-Μοσκόφογλου (Maria Chionidou- Mosckofoglou)