No. 5 (2010): Research in Mathematics Education
Full Issue
Difficulties of secondary students in solving inequations of 1st degree
Σπύρος Παπακωστόπουλος (Spyros Papakostopoulos), Κώστας Ζαχάρος (Kostas Zacharos)
The concept of geometric shapes: an psychological, epistemological and teaching approach
Χρήστος Μαρκόπουλος (Christos Markopoulos)
Systematic depiction of Teaching Approaches of Classes of Primary Mathematics by students of Pedagogical Department
Γιώργος Πιπίνος (Giorgos Pipinos), Μαρία Χιονίδου-Μοσκόφογλου (Maria Chionidou- Mosckofoglou)