Θαλάσσιος Γραμματισμός: Γένεση, εξάπλωση και εξειδίκευσή του στη Μεσόγειο Θάλασσα

Αθανάσιος Μόγιας

The global ocean is perhaps the most exciting and certainly the most important feature of our planet, as it is home to the greatest diversity of life and ecosystems, and is an important aspect of the cultural identity of man. Its contribution is enormous, as it regulates the weather and climate, is a source of food, while countless are the countries whose economy is based on it. Therefore, understanding its structure and function is an immediate priority for ensuring the sustainability of the living beings on the planet. However, despite the development of science and technology, we have so far managed to discover only a small part of it, a component that can largely justify our limited knowledge and interest in this unique environment. It is therefore necessary to introduce a specialized field in the context of Environmental Literacy that focuses on relevant issues. "Ocean Literacy" is the answer to this challenge and with its basic Principles, which form its framework, it assumes the role of a road map that can lead to literate citizens. The successful spread of this framework inspired the creation of a corresponding guide focused on the specificities of the Mediterranean, the "Mediterranean Sea Literacy". This paper describes the genesis and dissemination of Ocean Literacy, its specialization in the Mediterranean Sea and concludes with a discussion about its utilization in formal education.

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