Dance and social-emotional intelligence of children and adolescents

Published: Dec 7, 2019
dance social emotional intelligence children adolescents
Αγγελική Αντ. Γιατρά
Φωτεινή Δ. Βενετσάνου
Μαρία Ι. Κουτσούμπα

Social Emotional Intelligence (SEI) is a multidimensional construct of fundamental importance especially at developmental ages, consisting of several elements, such as regulation of emotions of oneself and others, self-concept, self-esteem, empathy, communication ability and peaceful settlement of disputes. The development of the SEI as a factor of personal and social well-being is in line with the general purpose of education for the holistic, harmonious and balanced development of the mental and psychosomatic skills of the students. Art and its forms are an important means for the development of this type of intelligence. Dance as an art form engages both body and spirit and is inherent in the subject of Physical Education at all levels of compulsory education, aiming at the development of the child both in physical and psycho-social domain. Hence, the aim of this study was to examine the role of dance on the development of SEI elements in children and adolescents. For this purpose, a bibliographic review was conducted, via Google Scholar, Eric, and ScienceDirect databases, using keywords related to dancing, SEI and its components, children and adolescents, as well as combinations thereof, both in Greek and English. Fifty studies were initially found from which, twenty-two were selected which met the criteria set. The present study highlighted the positive association of dance with SEI elements in children and adolescents as well as the need for further investigation of the relationships that may exist among factors such as the duration of the intervention, the teaching method of dance, the sample of participants and the SEI elements.  

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Αγγελική Αντ. Γιατρά, ΕΚΠΑ

καθηγήτρια Φυσικής Αγωγής

καθηγήτρια χορού, πτυχιούχος Ανώτερης Επαγγελματικής Σχολής Χορού.


Tutor Licentiate ISTD on modern theatre, imperial ballet faculties

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