The views of educators who work in Reception Structures for Refugee Children Education (RRES) towards refugee children's education

πίνακας εξωφύλλου: Μ. Τσιβά
Published: Apr 17, 2020
educators’ attitudes refugees Reception Structures for Refugee Children Education bilingualism
Χριστίνα Μαλιγκούδη
Αναστάσιος Τσαουσίδης

The purpose of this paper is to examine the views of teachers working in Reception Structures for Refugee Children Education (RRES) towards the education of refugee children. A qualitative methodological approach was chosen, in which a semi-structured interview for the collection of research data was used. The participants of the survey were 12 teachers from the fields of PE70-Teachers, PE60-Kindergarten Teachers and PE02-Philologists who had worked during the school year 2018-19 in RRES pertaining to schools of the Primary Education Departments of the following regions: Central Macedonia, East Macedonia, Attica and Central Greece (Sterea Ellada). The aim of the present paper is to examine teachers’ explicit and inexplicit beliefs towards refugee students’ bilingualism and towards the issues of diversity, use of their heritage language etc.

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