Narrative intelligence: conceptual definition and educational deployment

Θαλασσογραφία, 50Χ60,ελαιογραφία, Μαρία Τσιβά, 2015
Published: Jan 29, 2021
narrative intelligence narrative literacy multiliteracies
Σπύρος Κιοσσές

The paper suggests the need of deploying narrative intelligence in the contemporary educational setting. Narrative intelligence supports and enhances narrative literacy, the ability of functional and critical reception and composition of “stories”, in the broad sense of the term, in multifarious communicative contexts. In fact, this type of ability is not cultivated solely through teaching the narrative genre, as part of language teaching, but is linked closely with various subjects in the curriculum, and, most importantly, plays a fundamental role in the human understanding and interpreting of the social and physical environment. After a presentation of some basic aspects of the multiple intelligences theory, the concept of narrative intelligence is defined and the importance of its cultivation in the educational process is emphasized. Finally, there is a review of the particular skills that constitute it, as well as of main educational objectives, at which an interdisciplinary narrative curriculum could aim.

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