Teachers' multicultural self-efficacy and its relationship with classroom management style

πίνακας εξωφύλλου: Μ. Τσιβά
Published: Oct 22, 2022
multicultural self-efficacy classroom management intercultural education culturally responsive teaching primary education teachers
Charikleia Stavara
Αικατερίνη Λαμπροπούλου

The continuously increasing cultural diversity in schools indicates the need for implementation of an intercultural oriented pedagogy. In order for teachers to implement an intercultural oriented education they should feel competent enough to perform such a task. The purpose of the current study is to examine primary teachers’ multicultural self-efficacy beliefs and its relationship with classroom management approaches in multicultural classrooms. The sample consists of 139 teachers from primary schools in the district of Attiki. The study results suggest that primary teachers have high levels of multicultural self-efficacy, and they tend to be interactionalists. In addition, findings reveal a negative relationship between the aforementioned variables, which means that teachers with higher levels of multicultural self-efficacy prefer less interventional approaches on classroom management. The findings of this research contribute to an understanding of the importance of the teachers’ efficacy beliefs in managing multicultural classrooms to the choice of instructional and behaviour management strategies.

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