Towards a holistic approach of accessibility and participation of people with disabilities in museum in light of museum experience and learning

Published: Aug 3, 2023
Persons with disabilities, accessibility, inclusion, museum experience and learning, organizational culture, Universal Design
Charikleia Kanari

The present paper focuses on persons with disabilities and issues of accessibility and equal participation in museums. It presents a synthetic approach based on the interdependence and interactive dynamics of access barriers that persons with disabilities face in the museums and the impact of these barriers on the, also,  interactive nature of the museum experience and learning. Furthermore, it presents the theoretical models of the “Universal Design” and the “Universal Design for Learning” and their implementation in the museum space in light of the characteristics and "qualities" of the museum experience and learning. This dynamic process reveals the importance of a holistic approach to issues of accessibility and participation of persons with disabilities in museums. It also stresses the importance and the need for the development of an organizational culture towards accessibility and inclusion that will promote sustainable, participatory, accessible and inclusive educational and communication practices and processes within museums.

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