Using Narrative Career Counseling for the Enhancement of Sustainable Career Development in Higher Education

Published: Oct 18, 2023
narrative theory my career story sustainable career development
Katerina Αrgiropoulou

Theoretical approaches of narrative career counseling have been influenced by the constructivism movement and are like professional life, in constant evolution. According to these approaches individuals' career paths are the result of the construction they make, depending on how they make sense of the reality that surrounds them. At the same time, sustainability in career signals the dynamic interaction of the individual with the environment in such a way that the individual is self-regulating and evolving. Thus, this research attempts to explore the career story of postgraduate students in relation to their sustainable career development and the realization of their goals with social content. The participants of the study were 26 graduate students pursuing a master's degree program in counseling and career guidance. Thematic content analysis was used to analyse the data in order to identify individual thematic categories, themes and sub-themes, as well as the relationships between them. The results demonstrate that the narrative tool "My Career Story" helped them to plan their next educational and professional steps and contributed to the development of their sustainable plans for the future giving meaning and purpose to the role of their professional activity, realizing its impact on themselves and the society as a whole.

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