The Repertory Grid methodology. Investigating the benefits of participating in Erasmus+ Programs as an example of its application

Published: Jan 5, 2024
Erasmus program primary education repertory grid teachers
Kyriaki Efthymiou
Michalis Christodoulou

The purpose of this article is twofold: on the one hand it is investigative, where we attempt to explore the representations of primary school teachers about the benefits of participating in an Erasmus+ program, and on the other hand it is methodological, where we present the usefulness of the “ repertory grid” as a qualitative data collection tool. The repertory grid is usually used complementary or collaboratively with narrative or semi-structured interviews and aims to capture the diversity of subjects' perspectives while avoiding the influence of the researcher that is likely to occur in traditional semi- structured interviews. We applied the repertory grid to the research in question in order to highlight its methodological contribution, as neither in Greece nor abroad was there any corresponding educational research on the benefits of teachers' participation in an Erasmus+ program with this tool. The analysis of the results shows that when teachers refer to the benefits of their participation in an Erasmus+ program (elements), as the main benefit they highlight what relates to a cultural context (culture, friendship, traveling-mobility). However, when they discuss the benefits in combination with each other (constructs), so that their elicit representations are made known, they mainly refer to the holistic development of the individual, followed by the relationships-collaboration they acquire during the program, for their teaching and education and then on travel-mobility, culture and professional development. Also, through the research factors were identified that may influence the teachers’ representation of the benefits of such a European program.

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