Emergent Multiliteracies: Towards an Understanding of the Theory and Pedagogical Practice

Published: Sep 24, 2024
multiliteracies young learners early childhood education transformative education
Isaak Papadopoulos
Effrosyni Bisiri

This paper explores the concept of emergent multiliteracies in early childhood education, delving into its theoretical underpinnings and pedagogical implications. Drawing upon the seminal work of scholars such as Cope & Kalantzis (2009), the New London Group (1996), and Arvanitis (2009; 2013), the paper examines how multiliteracies offer a transformative framework for nurturing holistic development in young learners. Emergent multiliteracies reflect the dynamic early and evolving stages of literacy development in which young children engage in diverse meaning-making activities across multiple modes and contexts. Through a detailed analysis of knowledge processes, including experiencing, conceptualising, analysing, and applying knowledge, the paper highlights the importance of hands-on exploration, collaborative problem-solving, and creative expression in early childhood education. Furthermore, the paper underscores the significance of flexibility, inclusivity, and cultural appreciation in pedagogical practices, emphasizing the need to tailor approaches to meet the diverse needs and preferences of individual learners. Ultimately, the exploration of emergent multiliteracies offers a compelling vision for the future of early childhood language education, laying the foundation for lifelong learning and success in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

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