The "school museum" as an alternative form of cooperation between school and museum

Published: Sep 2, 2024
culture education school collection school museum
Maria Κyriakou
Chariklia Kanari

The interconnection between school and museum is usually carried out via school visits to museums. However, for strengthening this relationship, it is considered important to investigate alternative possibilities and forms of cooperation between schools and museums. Collections of material culture within school settings create opportunities for the development of various forms of cooperation with many educational benefits. The present paper, based on contemporary approaches for education and culture, focuses on these collections, also known as “school museums”, and constitutes a literature review with the aim to investigate issues about their formation, role and conceptual definition. The results revealed that the concept and practices of “school museums” have a long history. Besides studies of educational historiography with examples of various cases of “school museums”, there are also studies which refer to “school museums” and contemporary practices of museum education revealing interesting possibilities of cooperation among schools, museums and community. However, in the case of the Greek context, further research is needed in order to promote this potential.

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