Parents schools through Bowen Family Systems Theory

Published: Jan 1, 2014
Systems Theory Parents Counselling Transgenerational Approach Experiential Exercises
Μαρίζα Κατσιώτη
Παρασκευή Μπασιώτη
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The Family Systems Theory, which has been based on the biologist’s Ludwig von
Bertalanffy (1940) theory of General Systems, focuses on the whole of the system’s
relationships and not on the behavior of the members. During the last few years, the
System Theory has evolved and it has been rendered suitable for application not only
in therapeutic contexts, but also in the field of primary prevention, such as Parents’
Counselling Groups. The aim of the present study is to present the implementation of
the theoretical concepts and techniques of one of the most important models of the
systems theory, Bowen’s transgenerational approach, on Parents Schools via
experiential exercises. The concepts that have been implemented in three counselling
groups include the self – differentiation, the triangles and the transgenerational
process. The experiential exercises have been helpful in achieving the goals of Parents
Counselling Groups, the main of which are parents’ information and family members’
attitude formulation and differentiation.
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