
Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The Article submitted is an original work, it has not been published previously, nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in print or in electronic form.
  • To the best of my knowledge the Article does not defame any person, does not invade the privacy of any person, and does not in any other manner infringe upon the rights of any person.
  • The Article does not in any way violate intellectual property rights of third parties. Wherever permission is required, I have obtained it from the copyright holder.
  • I have read and I accept the Copyright Policy and have prepared the manuscript according to the Author Guidelines of the Journal.
  • I grant to the journal a royalty‐free, worldwide nonexclusive license perform all necessary actions to publish first the article in an issue of the Journal
  • I retain ownership and/or I am the lawful right-holder of all rights under copyright in the Articles, and I reserve all rights not expressly granted in this Agreement.
  • The Journal reserves the right to further license the Article to any third party in order to be further used, distributed or communicated to the public by any means, including the Internet or other electronic communications.
  • In any case of re‐publication of the Article, AWPEL will be given first publication acknowledgement authorized by me and all other co‐authors.
  • I have the full power and authority to provide the warranties and agree to the license granted by virtue of verifying all the above statements.

Author Guidelines

Detailed registration and article submission instructions may be found here

The scientific journal "Investigating the child’s world" publishes articles related to children’s pre-school and first-school education, with content relevant to its sections (See Subject Area and Contents). The articles are published in Greek.

All relevant articles are considered, on conditions that they are original, and have not been published or submitted to any other journals. The author is responsible for the editing and the content of the article and for complying with international laws regarding intellectual property rights (see Copyright Policy and Privacy Policy).

Each case of paper submitted for publication is examined according to the following criteria:

  • Text relevance to the journal’s topics.
  • Clarity in development, and theoretical support of the subject.
  • Documentation based on a methodological framework and valid bibliographical references.
  • Presentation of results and extensions that contribute to the research and teaching practice of pre-school and first-school children’s education.

After the initial approval stage, the article is submitted for double blind review by two members of the journal’s Scientific Committee. In case of disagreement a third reviewer is employed. Authors can monitor their work’s evaluation progress through their account on the journal’s website.

After the end of the review process, the Editorial Board informs the author about whether the article can be published at its initial form, whether minor changes have to be made, whether the article has to be subject of major changes and re-evaluated, or whether it is rejected. The author is also informed about the Scientific Committee’s review result. The article can then be published after its revision according to the judges' suggestions. The author is given a timeframe of up to two weeks to apply these changes.

The articles submitted for review by the authors, as well as the final articles for publication, must comply with specific requirements. General guidelines for the suggested texts' structure (scientific papers, presentations of educational activities, book presentations, doctoral theses, etc.) can be found here.

A template for scientific papers and educational presentations, as well as intructions on bibliographic references and bibliography can be found here.

Instructions for subscribing to the magazine and submitting an article can be found here.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal, which is also exclusively responsible as the controller of those data (GDPR EU 2016/679) and they will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. For further details, please visit the website's Privacy Policy statement.