Published: Jul 1, 2014
collaborative interactions types of discourse educational robotics programming
Αναστασία Μισιρλή (Anastasia Misirli)
Αγγελική Κοκκόση (Aggeliki Kokkosi)
Βασίλης Κόμης (Vasilis Komis)
The present study presents the collaborative interactions developed among the pre-schoolers in a teaching intervention where a programmable toy (concrete & digital) was used in problem-solving situations. A case study (qualitative research) was conducted to determine initially the collaborative interactions and then a correspondence to additional categories were produced. Those interactions were established within the context of an educational scenario. A further analysis was formed between the categories of the qualitative data and the Mercer’s model concerning different types of discourse, as those produced on collaborative learning situations. The results give sound evidences about the development of qualitative collaborative interactions, as those extended to children’s social development and self-esteem, when educational robotics is integrated in the learning process.
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