The predictive validity of the Baseline Assessment Scale for preschool children

Published: Jul 1, 2013
baseline assessment for preschool children early intervention predictors early screening
Ασημίνα M. Ράλλη (Asimina Ralli)
Δέσποινα Τσαούση (Despina Tsaousi)
Αικατερίνη Μαριδάκη-Κασσωτάκη (Aikaterini Maridaki-Kassotaki)
The study and development of language, mathematical, motor, and social skills in preschool children is particularly important because all the above skills (a) constitute predictors of academic and psychosocial performance in the 1st grade of Primary school and (b) contribute to the prevention of academic and psychosocial problems. The purpose of this longitudinal study was to investigate the predictive validity of the Baseline Assessment for Preschool Children (Ralli & Maridaki-Kassotaki, 2012) for the acquisition of the corresponding skills in the 1st grade of Primary school. 100 children were assessed at the end of their preschool education as well as at the end of the first term of the 1st grade in Primary school. In Kindergarten the children were assessed on language, mathematical, social, motor skills, as well as on learning skills on the basis of the Baseline Assessment for Preschool Children (Ralli & Maridaki-Kassotaki, 2012). The same children were also evaluated the next year in the 1st grade on language (reading accuracy, reading comprehension), math (counting, matching, arithmetic, problem solving), social (social problems, violation of rules, aggressive behavior), and motor skills (understanding left-right), with both standardized and informal tests. The results demonstrated the high predictive validity of the Scale, for the corresponding academic, social, and motors skills in the 1st grade of Primary school. The results highlighted the value of the Scale as a psycho educational tool for kindergarten teachers and specialists in order to early identify in advance the children’s academic and social skills for interfering and preventing school failure.
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