Η επιφάνεια της Γης ως φυσικός χώρος διαβίωσης στη σκέψη των παιδιών προσχολικής ηλικίας

Μαρία Καμπεζά (Maria Kampeza)
There has been intensive research focused on children's alternative conceptions of various natural concepts and phenomena. It is assumed that the acquisition of knowledge occurs as individuals, themselves, construct their own meanings from everyday experiences. These alternative representations are potential constraints on the know-ledge acquisition process, when they are not taken into consideration. The present research is related to the preschoolers' understanding of the earth's surface as a natural space for living. Specifically, earth's shape and geophysical characteristics are examined as well as the macroscopic perspective. The results concerning the earth's shape reveal that although young children are aware that the shape is spherical, they don't relate it with the natural space that they live. In addition, they don't seem to conceptualize the difference between the macroscopic and microscopic perspectives.
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