Οικογενειακή κοινωνικοποίηση και ανάπτυξη της δημιουργικότητας κατά την παιδική ηλικία

Ελένη Νημά (Eleni Nima)
The aim of this study -which is part of a broader research project- was to examine the influence that certain socialization practices on the parents' part have on their children's creative activities. The population comprised two groups of typical greek families wich treat their children in two disctinctly different ways. The parents of 106 children from the greater area of Thessaloniki have undergone an examination concerning play and pastime practices of their children, reading preferences and recreation habits, involvement in school and other activities and extent of autonomy they usually grant their children. The analysis of the data confirmed the main hypothesis of the study and ascertained that greek parents help their children in different ways and to different extent to be creative in their everyday life.
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