Plots for language development and interculturalism through drama

Published: Jul 1, 2008
Drama in Education Acting out Mime Forum Theatre Image Theatre Language Multiculturalism Interculturalism multilingualism language awareness language learning literature creativity expression communication
Άλκηστις Κοντογιάννη (Alkistis Kontogianni)
Drama in Education in today's multicultural Greek School classrooms can be the means to promote an inter-cultural attitude among Greek and foreign students, as well as multilingualism, hence also an acceptance and respect of one another's identity and cultural wealth along with a widening of one's social and language skills. It has been a suggestion of linguists, already taken up within broadened European programs, that through Drama in Education and the collaborative, experience-based learning it offers, students may realize that there exists a variety of languages in the world, each valuable and interesting in its own right, and a carrier of civilization. Students will also realize that many different languages can be spoken within the same country; that each language and culture evolve, share, influence and become influenced, while in close association to the place, the times and the relations that develop among populations. Our proposal rests on an established conclusion of modern research, namely that children that have been in contact with a second linguistic framework stand in comparative advantage as to their language skills. They become aware at an early stage of the arbitrariness of linguistic signs and symbols, of the arbitrary connection between the sound and the meaning which characterizes human languages. They attain a meta-linguistic awareness higher than monolingual children, which most probably assists them in learning how to read and write and leads to increased levels of school success. It also ought to be mentioned that upon being introduced to another linguistic framework, one manages to master novel linguistic constructs, as each such framework possesses its own distinct structure and morphology.
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