Εξηγήσεις και επεξηγήσεις σε ένα μάθημα Φυσικών Επιστήμων στο Νηπιαγωγείο

Μαρία Ποιμενίδου (Maria Pimenidou)
Μαρία Παπαδοπούλου (Maria Papadopoulou)

The paper explores the contribution of language in science activities. Recent Science Curriculums demand the use of specialized content, while structuring activities in the preschool Education. However, Greek pre-school Curriculum is characterized by the weak classification of knowledge and the lack of specific linguistic goals to support the structuring of the educational process. The research deals with genres in the Science Curriculum and specifically with the sequential and causal explanation. After the collection of data, by means of videorecording science activities in nursery classroom, a discourse analysis model was applied, in order to reveal the way these genres unfold in the science activities. We will argue that a genre-based approach is a tool for selecting, organizing and evaluating educational activities.

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