Φίλοι και μαθητές στο νηπιαγωγείο — Μια εθνογραφική έρευνα —

Μένη Τσίγκρα (Meni Tsigkra)
The present study focuses on the investigation and the interpretation of the practices and strategic actions undertaken by children in order to make friends and become pupils in the institutional spatio-temporal framework of a greek kindergarten. This is a case study along the new paradigm of the Sociology of Childhood. Methodologically, it is an ethnographic approach. Peer culture and the strategic actions undertaken by children to have friends, school culture and the processes through which children become pupils are a major concern of the present study. Among its main conclusions are the following: Peer culture and school culture are intricately connected, children become friends under the structural features of the institution of kindergarten and the school culture, and they become pupils under the influence of the interests of the peer culture. Besides, to have friends and to become pupil are negotiable processes. Children are positioned as friends or / and as pupils in the spatio-temporal organization of the kindergarten and according to the situation, and from the various positions taken by them they develop the appropriate strategic actions to deal with and to negotiate everyday school reality.
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Author Biography
Μένη Τσίγκρα (Meni Tsigkra)
Νηπιαγωγός, Δρ. του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών
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