Professional burnout in nurseries/daycare and the predictive role of demographic factors

Published: Mar 9, 2020
Early childhood education Municipal nurseries/daycare Burnout
Ηρακλής Νικολαος Γρηγορόπουλος
Δανάη Καπαλτσίδου

The present study investigates professional burnout in Thessaloniki’s nurseries/daycare as related with demographic characteristics. Participants were 137 people working in nurseries/daycare. Each participant completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory and demographic data. Findings of the study indicate that the present sample, in the present conditions, reported low levels of professional burnout. Present results also show that gender, work relationship and marital status were the main predictors of the emotional exhaustion. The results of the study are discussed in the context of the recent literature.

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