Online Educational Material: For Which Kindergarten?

Published: Dec 1, 2021
Educational material Online social networks Pedagogical principles Curriculum
Ioanna Imer
Maria Birbili

The selection of appropriate educational materials in kindergarten is considered a pedagogical practice. Educational materials can be important supportive and/or mediating tools for teaching and learning in preschool education. In the time of digital technology many of these tools can be found in a constantly increasing number of online social networks and media managed by teachers. The study presented here, aimed to explore the quality and the types of materials available in Greek websites-blogs for kindergarten teachers and examine whether these materials are in accordance with the pedagogical principles that are set out in the current, official early childhood curriculum. It is qualitative study in which data were collected from a sample of thirteen websites and were thematically analysed. The results showed that a wide variety of materials, serving a wide range of targets, are available on the websites of the sample. However, most of the materials that are offered and the suggested teaching practices, when evaluated based on contemporary pedagogical practices and the principles of the national curriculum, are considered inappropriate. More specifically, closed- ended worksheets are predominant and there is an absence of activities that have meaning for children. The materials offered also seem to promote teacher-centered practices, the teaching of discrete subjects and individual, passive learning. This article discusses possible reasons behind this picture and emphasizes the need for professional development regarding issues related to the selection of educational materials.

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