Solitary play in preschool age as a means of socialization and autonomy acquisition

Άννα Αθανασοπούλου

Play holds a paramount position in children's social development, whether it is free or structured. Particularly, free play fosters cognitive decentralization, creating scenarios for problem-solving that cultivate a culture of acceptance and self-respect, alongside respect for others. However, the distinguishing factor for a child within a group lies in their interpretation and assimilation of external influences on their individual journey. Even in solitary play, a child undergoes a process of observation and evaluation, gradually transitioning to active engagement with peers. This study aims to highlight solitary play within peer group settings as a facilitator of socialization and autonomy among preschool-aged children. Utilizing participant observation in four preschool centers located in the suburbs of Paris, alongside interviews with preschool teachers, it becomes apparent that a child's capacity for independent play within the preschool environment, amidst peers, empowers them to take initiative and make autonomous decisions. Findings suggest that children engage in solitary play to concentrate on activities of their choice and address personal needs, while concurrently developing social skills by negotiating their roles and space within the peer group.

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