Vol. 11 No. 2 (2012): July-December 2012

Published: 2012-12-01

Art Education and training of Greek pre-school teachers

Απόστολος Μαγουλιώτης (Apostolos Magouliotis), Βασιλική Λαμπίτση (Vasiliki Lampitsi)

100 years Greek Kindergarten: origins and today

Μαρίνα Μπέση (Marina Bessi), Σοφία Σαΐτη (Sofia Saiti)

The contribution of distance education to the change of teachers’ attitudes on written language in kindergarten

Ευθυμία Χατζηγεωργίου (Eythimia Hatzigeorgiou), Μαρία Παπαδοπούλου (Maria Papadopoulou)