Towards a reform of the evaluation procedures of the Structural Funds: Lessons from the Greek case

Published: Sep 11, 2018
Structural Funds Greece European Union Evaluation
Sotiris Petropoulos
The processes and theoretical models for the evaluation of the impact of European Structural Funds in the Member States are an ever changing and enhancing sector. Based on the results of each programming period, a vast literature and many directives have been developed aimed at better recording these effects. The study of the Greek case, through a thorough literature research and especially a robust field study, indicates that despite all the improvements many, mainly indirect in nature, effects are not recorded and therefore no policy proposals covering such deficiencies and rendering the management and evaluation system of the ESF more effective are being formulated. The article concludes on a series of policy proposals for the improvement of procedures with a direct impact towards the amelioration of the management system of European funds.
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Author Biography
Sotiris Petropoulos, University of the Peloponnese

Postdoctoral Researcher

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