Rural development policy: An alternative development strategy for τhe case of Greece

Published: Oct 1, 2012
EU Rural Development Policy Rural Development Programs in Greece Cohesion Policy Community Support Frameworks Greek National Strategic Framework Program 2007-13
Ελένη Καραβέλη
Γιάννης Δούκας

This paper presents the implementation of European Rural Development Policy (RDP) in Greece for the programming period 2007-13. First, the introduction of ‘regional’ elements in Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the course of its reforms is discussed. Second, the directions and means of RDP in the current period are examined and the Commission’s proposals for the next programming period are presented. Third, the targets, measures and allocation of funds of RDP in Greece are analysed based on the experience of the previous period and given the chronic diffi culties and obstacles that this policy approach faces in Greece.

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